Sunday 31 January 2021



I don't know about you but I love starting a new project.  Mindful of a pile of UFOs still waiting to be finished , I plan to work on a UFO each month while stitching a new Block of the Month. I have stitched one of 3 stitcheries in the first block of Jenny's " Simple Days" and have started another.


I have finished reading another book this month which was a Christmas gift . I binge watched the Netflix doco series during lockdown and there is a podcast I have not yet listened to but I never knew there was a book. The book is much more detailed , as books usually are. 

I hope you are enjoying some nice weather and happily stitching. 

Sunday 24 January 2021


 Last night I finished the stitchery I was doing but now I am wondering how to frame it. I first thought I would just display it in a hoop as it is or add some fabric then frame it in a normal frame. I have no idea what I am doing now but here it is.

On Friday I visited my local patchwork shop for the first time in over a year and it was so nice to wander around  selecting some fabrics for a new project. I was the only customer there. I found some suitable fabrics and thought I would add more fabric from my stash. Big mistake! Looks like I am returning to the shop. 

Now that I have some new fabrics and threads I am ready to start Jenny's Block of the Month called "Simple Days" which is starting tomorrow.  I always have great enthusiasm when about to embark on a new project. 

Perhaps I can find some border fabric for my Pandemic quilt when I return to the patchwork shop. 

The weather is lovely here at the moment and we are expecting a few very hot days ahead. We are not venturing anywhere until the tourists and holiday makers go home after Australia Day.  It is bedlam out there and I am looking forward to things getting back to no tourists normal. 

Enjoy some stitching.


Sunday 17 January 2021



 I am so grateful for the beautiful array of colour outside my back door on the verandah. It looks like these blooms are at their peak display now so I need to think about buying new seedlings once the tourists have departed after the Australia Day long weekend.

I have been easing stress by watching some very naughty cockies stripping our unripened peaches from the tree and strewing the pathway and our roof with half eaten fruit. We have had some beautiful parrots in our apple tree but they don't do as much damage. They have blue heads with yellow, orange and green bodies. Unfortunately, I do not have any pics.

Yesterday I started sewing my pandemic quilt blocks together, ( the " I stitch" B.O.M) , I just have the bottom row to sew to the others now. No idea what fabric to use fir the borders yet.

The pic does not do the thread colours justice but you get the idea.

I have finished my first book for the year. 

Jenny's sweet stitchery has been lovely to stitch a little each day . It is growing.

The sun is shining today , a rare thing lately. The daily chores are done and I hope to de stress this afternoon .
May your days be filled with sunshine.




Monday 11 January 2021



Oh dear! I apologise for my last post, the 1st one for the year, turned out all higgildy piggildy. Well, it did my end! For some reason the font was different sizes and I can't seem to attach links.  So, here's hoping this one is okay. I never received email notifications of comments either .

I have done very little stitching due to health issues with hubby and myself but I find that a little stitching here and there certainly lifts my spirits. Jennyhas a lovely monthly club called Let's Stitch Again and this is one of January's stitcheries that I started.

I still haven't pieced all my blocks together from Gail's B.O.M last year but it is on my list to do this week.

Stay safe and well.

Friday 1 January 2021



Hello and a very Happy New Year to you. May this year bring an abundance of good health and love to you all. I am sitting outside on my verandah sipping the last delicious drops of champers after a nice simple lunch here with my parents. My hubby is asleep as he has been unwell the past 2 days with back problems so I am savouring some time to myself. 

I have not yet ventured into my sewing room to do a big clean up and stitch the BOM blocks together but I have found some lovely new projects to do from Jenny's  blog. There is a sweet B.O.M and her monthly stitching projects to purchase are on my list. I need / want some quick stitcheries to frame in hoops as well as a quilt project so my enthusiasm has been reawakened and now I need to get into that sewing room and sort everything out. I have heaps of UFOs on my list this year and a Christmas quilt to start so I think sewing for 2021 is organised.

Have you planned your year's sewing? Do you do an annual sewing room clean up? 

Keep safe and well.


  Now that 2 of my crosstitches have been framed I have started a small one of Pikachu for my youngest grandson. I did another Pokemon chara...