Tuesday 29 November 2022



 The Eastern Jewels journey has been a little challenging but I am so pleased I persevered and finally nailed it! Yey! I added the final border 2 nights ago and this is the end result...

It is a bit scrunchy as I haven't done anything to straighten it out. My daughter took the next pic of me holding it up and it looks a but stretchy in this one.

                  So, that is my scrunchy stretchy blankie.

I haven't been reading as much lately due to catching a bug from my grandson. I was laid low for a couple of days ( but still had to keep the household running) and it  has been 10 days and I am still not 100% . My throat was so sore I couldn't talk much or eat a lot and I developed a bit of a cough and the throat is still a bit sore.  My daughter still has it after 2 weeks , her mother in law now has it and so does my hubby who is hacking quite loudly day and night. He has it worse than I did ( ??????) I usually get over things in a couple of days but this bug sure wants to hang on. Anyhoo, I did finish a book I borrowed from mum.

Now I am feeling at a loss not having any crochet to do. Looks like I had best get back to finishing the hand quilting I put aside.

Sunday 20 November 2022



A few years ago I put my Eastern Jewels blanket away in the too hard basket thinking it may never resurface . Now I am so pleased that I took the plunge and restarted it. Despite a little creative improvisation here and there to get the octagons right, it has all pieced together nicely.  

I apologise for the blurred parts on the right side of the photo and the curled half triangles on each corner. Now more fun begins....the border. I thought this would be the easiest part but I am having some difficulty with the instructions.  Maybe I should think about it later after I have had some sleep. 

I was already pondering what crochet project to do next and was considering a few things when I found that Lucy at Attic 24 has announced a new CAL. It is called Springfrost and shall be starting early January. So, I hopped onto my lappy and ordered the yarn kit which shall wing its way here in 7 to 14 days. I have ordered a few Attic 24 kits from Wool Warehouse over the years and made a few of Lucy's blankets which I love. Hmmm, I wonder if I will ever get back to stitching? Yeah! Too many UFOs waiting for me.

Sunday 13 November 2022



I haven't crocheted the past few days but I did complete the 3rd row earlier. 

                             That's all from me this week. 

                                          Happy crafting. 

Sunday 6 November 2022



                         I only have one photo today.


                                               TA DAH! 

Sorry about my toes peeping  lol. So, the 1st 2 rows are nearly completed. I have been trying to work out how to piece it together, rather like a quilt,and think I shall add the triangles along the sides last. The corner triangle and 1st triangle on the top may need to be re attached more accurately but I shall worry about that later.

                                   Thankyou for visiting.



  Now that 2 of my crosstitches have been framed I have started a small one of Pikachu for my youngest grandson. I did another Pokemon chara...