Saturday 28 April 2018


I have had a productive couple of hours this afternoon finishing the top of my munchkin's quilt. I had put it aside for other stitching projects thinking I would get back to it quite soon. "Quite soon" became ages so I thought I would finish it off today as it was only a matter of sewing the borders on.

I couldn't manage to take the photo with the bottom border being shown properly but I assure you that it is the same size as the rest . ( One never knows with my machine sewing). I found enough cotton batting in my stash and I bought enough of the dark blue fabric ,( inner border), to use for the backing and binding. The next big step for me is to try and machine quilt it.
I  have been happily stitching my angels and have finished Becky the Librarian. 
Now that I have started Fran I need to go in the sewing room to dress a few more angels.
I hope you have had a lovely stitching weekend.
Angel Blessings

Wednesday 25 April 2018


                        Hattie is fresh off my embroidery hoop  this afternoon. Now on to Libby.

Angel Blessings.

Sunday 22 April 2018


Despite a bad throat and gurgly chest I have still enjoyed finishing 2 more angels. As promised, here is Beckie the bookworm.

AND I completed Charlotte just moments ago.
I have Hattie and Libby prepared ready to stitch at my leisure but I think I shall give my eyes a rest for an hour or so because I was going cross eyed finishing that last block.
Have a lovely stitching time at your place.
Angel Blessings.

Wednesday 18 April 2018


After a week's break from stitching I was eager to get on with my appliqued angels and I am happy to introduce you to Tillie the Tea Lady angel. Becky the Bookworm will be ready to make her appearance very soon.

I don't know about you but I get quite grumpy when I can't stitch. Does that mean I have a problem? If you want to see more angels for the  "An Angel's Story " quilt  pop over to Michelle's as she has done many blocks with beautiful needle turn applique. 
While visiting Spotlight last week I came upon something which immediately screamed " I am perfect to store fabric scraps for applique". As you can see, my storage system for separating the different colours was a little over filled and a bit hard for me to get to as they were on top of my shelves.
So, why not make life easier with larger storage that is already colour coded?
I have already found it to be very handy .
I hope you are having some lovely stitching time.
Angel Blessings

Wednesday 11 April 2018


I haven't been to the AQC for a few years so I jumped at the chance to go when my quilting group  decided to all go on a coach. We went on the Sunday and it wasn't crowded at all which was lovely.  It was so nice to be able to look at the stalls without people pushing in or tripping over trolleys. Needless to say I had fun purchasing things I needed and wanted.  I bought the latest Simply Vintage magazine that hadn't been released at Newsagencies yet and a gorgeous Fig 'N' Berry pattern for felt Christmas ornies with the felt I needed to make all 4 of them. I found some yummy fat 1/4s too.

Not being a very good machine quilter I decided to buy a stencil and pounce pad to do FMQ ( not that it is exactly free motion when one is following a line). If I can't do machine quilting with these helpful items then I give up! I couldn't resist a cute stitchery to make for my munchkin's room and I also bought my mum a stitchery I thought she would like to do. I remembered I need refills for my glue pen and decided to buy another pen as well.
There were some lovely quilts on display but I couldn't take a lot of pics as my eyes started to go weird with the onset of a migraine. This one caught my attention from a distance. It is actually raised with the coloured bit underneath which had been bubble quilted. For some reason these 2 pics are sideways and I cannot seem to alter them. Gremlins again!
This one was so colourful and made me smile.
Unfortunately, I have not done any stitching for 4 days. I was on a roll starting my 3rd appliqued angel but I was stopped in my tracks when a blinding headache struck me with visual disturbance that quite scared me. A similar thing happened on Sunday at the AQC and I am only really just getting over the headaches now. I am grumpy as a result of not being able to stitch, read or get on the computer. However, I had finished another book before all this. It was a good work of fiction that cleverly incorporated the Tay Bridge disaster back in 1879 in Scotland. I never knew about this piece of Scottish history so I looked it up. I love how reading can expand one's knowledge. It is called 'The Last Train' by Sue Lawrence.
I hope you are all well and enjoying much stitching.
Angel Blessings.

Wednesday 4 April 2018


I have enjoyed many afternoons of stitching over the Easter weekend and I am pleased to say that I finished my second angel block. Meet Sarah.

I hope you have managed to find some time to stitch over the weekend too. Now I am off to find my 3rd angel block . I had 4 prepared and I think I may just have a bit of time to prepare 2 more this afternoon.
Angel Blessings.

Sunday 1 April 2018


Happy Easter to those who follow this time of year. I hope you have enjoyed a lovely day with your families.
Well., it is that time again when we do a tally of all the projects we have completed for the month. How many have I finished? NONE! No surprise there . 
However, I have finished the first block of 'An Angel's Story" . Meet Penelope. ( you probably need to zoom in.)
I have finished reading another lovely book , "The Tea Gardens" by Fiona McIntosh. I love how this author has such a lovely way of describing things so I can actually smell and see the places she writes about.
Keep safe the rest of this long weekend.
Angel Blessings. 


  Weekly blogging is hard to keep up with lately as my crafty progress is slow these days. Health challenges often get in the way of product...