Sunday, 17 January 2021



 I am so grateful for the beautiful array of colour outside my back door on the verandah. It looks like these blooms are at their peak display now so I need to think about buying new seedlings once the tourists have departed after the Australia Day long weekend.

I have been easing stress by watching some very naughty cockies stripping our unripened peaches from the tree and strewing the pathway and our roof with half eaten fruit. We have had some beautiful parrots in our apple tree but they don't do as much damage. They have blue heads with yellow, orange and green bodies. Unfortunately, I do not have any pics.

Yesterday I started sewing my pandemic quilt blocks together, ( the " I stitch" B.O.M) , I just have the bottom row to sew to the others now. No idea what fabric to use fir the borders yet.

The pic does not do the thread colours justice but you get the idea.

I have finished my first book for the year. 

Jenny's sweet stitchery has been lovely to stitch a little each day . It is growing.

The sun is shining today , a rare thing lately. The daily chores are done and I hope to de stress this afternoon .
May your days be filled with sunshine.





  1. Your blocks are just gorgeous. That looks an interesting read and hope that you get to de-stress.

  2. Your flowers look beautiful Ondrea, lovely to have some colour to look at. The rainbow lorikeets have worked their way through the plum tree here, happily chatting away in the tree. Your stitchery is lovely, you are making great progress in your pandemic quilt. Hopefully after this weekend things will quieten down around you and you will get a bit more peace.

  3. Wish you Well looks great.....

  4. Lovely blooms for you to enjoy. Cockies are naughty and wasteful too! The Parrots sound pretty....not sure what they would be. Your BOM looks great...well done!

  5. Beautiful flowers on your verandah and lovely to see all those stitcheries put together. xx



  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...