Sunday 14 July 2024



Brrrr it is cold! I suppose it is not as cold as many other places and we have had a fairly good winter so far but my body does not enjoy cooler weather much. It is a pity I don't have a crocheted blanket project to do as I love sitting with the growing blanket draped over my legs as I crochet. I already have too many but it probably won't deter me from making another one in the future if I discover one that really pops out at me. Ah well, I still have those blooms to stitch together yet. Meanwhile I have made further progress with my crosstitch. I could just consider it finished as it is but there is a small border yet to do. Or is there??? Hmmmm. I need to think about it.

Oh dear! Google wouldn't let me add my pics unless I agreed to cookies! Really? Anyone else have this problem? This internet lark is becomming more complicated and less secure not allowing any option but to accept. Grrrrr. 

I digress...... I thoroughly enjoyed reading Melissa Gilbert's newest book written since the pandemic . I can't believe 'half pint' is now 60 years old lol. 

             Keep warm or cool depending on where you live . 

Monday 8 July 2024



My slow and steady clean up in my craft room is still going. I did have a few days off but have done more today and yesterday. Many more things are off to the Op Shop including buttons but I am offering  these packs of Giggle Buttons ceramic buttons to you first. If anyone wants one or all packs I am happy to post them to you. I shall be holding on to them until Friday. 

I also have this pack of 100 laser cut hexies that I no longer need.

I have been reading again, something I have not been doing very much lately. As an avid Corrie fan I couldn't resist buying this book when I found it . It was a really light read but enjoyable. 

Now back to more decluttering....or a cuppa. Hmmm me thinkith a cuppa. 

Sunday 30 June 2024



After much ironing I finally framed the Pokemon crosstitch but fiddling with it to frame left more creases so I am not very happy. Fortunately, my grandson loves it! His bedroom is about to be repainted so it will be a welcome new addition to his wall. 

My current crosstitch is nearly completed but I still can't spend a lot of time on it due to my wrist problems. So, I am being very patient. ( Sorry, the crosstitch wasn't on a flat surface for the pic). 

At long last I finished my knitted basket weave scarf yeaterday.

Oh dear! That pic is not too good either. Sorry! 

I hope to finish the crosstitch this week and get back to finishing the crocheted blooms project I was doing a while ago. Whoops! Got to go. The dryer is calling me.

Sunday 16 June 2024



The past week or so I have cleaned out 4 drawers, 3 cubicles and my drawers of colour coded scaps for applique. A basket full of patterns and other useful things are boxed ready to take to the OpShop, a lot of stuff has been binned and other things put in recycling. I sorted through my scraps for appliques , tossing out teeny tiny bits and putting the rest in zip lock bags for each colour for my grandson's kindergarten. Here are the drawers I kept them in ...

and here they all are packaged ready to go in a huge bag..

The drawers are going to a new home...eventually.

I have been knitting my new scarf but can only do about 10 rows at a time to ease my wrist pain.

Slow progress has been made with my crosstitch but there is not much more to do.

I made a committment to myself to clean out one drawer a day in my sewing room and I have stuck to it so far. Now that I have read all your posts and done mine I am off into the sewing room to do today's. I wonder which one it will be. Happy crafting! 

Sunday 2 June 2024


 With the cooler weather upon us I quite enjoy doing some crochet and finished my scarf quite quickly. It is folded over twice for the pic so it is actually 4 times longer .

I loved this yarn so much that I bought another ball in different colours and decided to dust off my knitting needles to knit a scarf this time. I didn't want just a plain pattern so I am knitting a basket weave. 

A little more progress has been made with my crosstitch.

More cleanups in my sewing room have been happening. I have cleaned out 3 drawers and even found some long lost blocks I thought had gone forever. One of those empty drawers now has all my crosstitch stuff in it. I am getting rid of more fabric , patterns, and stitcheries I have done. It is hard to know what to do with it all as Op Shops sometimes send fabric for rags and books to be pulped! When I have sorted more fabric I shall put pics on here to see if anyone would like some. 

Happy crafting.

Sunday 26 May 2024



My crochet shawl journey is complete. The final stitches were done last night and the ends sewn in. I wasn't happy with the blunt raw edge on the long side which was also a bit taut so I finished it off with slip stitches like the triangular sides but added a chain between each slip stitch to loosen it a bit and I am very happy with the result.

I had to buy another ball of yarn to finish it so I am using the rest to crochet a scarf using the same pattern but with a smaller hook. I used size 5 hook for the shawl and am using my usual size 4 for the scarf.  

When I went back to the wool shop to buy the extra yarn I couldn't resist buying another ball in different colourways for another scarf. Stand by for the next exciting episode. 

I have made further progress on my latest crosstitch which I plan to continue working on today as my wrists are a bit sore from doing so much crochet.

So that is my week's crafty progress. I shall pop over to see what you have been up to soon.

Sunday 19 May 2024



Although I haven't yet framed the last crosstitch I started a new one. This is another small patchwork themed one that I bought online .

I am really enjoying combining my love of patchwork with crosstitch. While researching framing techniques I came across a product called 'sticky board' which is an acid free board to mount the embroidery or crosstitch onto before putting it in the frame. Has anyone used this? I was just going to cut a bit of cardboard to size but the sticky board demos looked interesting.

My crocheted shawl is growing and I am considering making a scarf with the same yarn next.

The days are getting cooler so I love crocheting with the shawl draping on my lap.

Happy crafting. 


  Brrrr it is cold! I suppose it is not as cold as many other places and we have had a fairly good winter so far but my body does not enjoy ...