Sashiko is such a peaceful mode of stitching and it hasn't taken me long to complete all the blocks.
The border motifs are nearly finished BUT I have run out of the thread. Grrrrrr. I may just use another ball of cotton that I had for stitching chicken scratch a few years ago or perhaps I shall just forget the rest of the motifs and piece the quilt without them. I am unsure how I am going to place them all yet. I can't be bothered ordering online for one item.
I started , what was to be, a quick project consisting of a table runner and matching coasters. I have made a couple of table runners without any specific pattern but this time I could not seem to get the measurements right for the table runner. At least I could sit and stitch the hexie coasters though.
Woohoo! I have finished another book. I am loving getting back into reading mode. This book is non fiction about the first Australian female detective. She paved the way for all those women in the police force today. Unarmed and with no uniform she dealt with the 2 most notorious women crime figures in Sydney and many other things during her career including the Razor Gangs and fortune tellers. Retiring at 65 she had no superannuation or pension despite her male peers having it all. This book gives a good history from the first settlement onwards.

Well, I am surrounded by building works as I type this. Behind me, over the fence, they are gutting the ground floor of the house and now they have a digger working there. The house behind us has had a digger going for about 3 months and now they have started gutting that house too. Soon the house opposite us will be under demolition and then a new house is to be built there. A few doors down, across the road, they have almost completed building a huge house. I am quietly going crazy here with all the noise and my house rocking. Thank goodness for stitching.
I hope you are enjoying peace and sunshine.
Angel Blessings