Sunday 28 July 2024



Grrrr. I have had to replant the seedlings in my tub twice today! It was only on Friday that I last replanted them. The culprit is a bird! I caught him at it this morning, told him off, then set to replanting and watering . I tried to find something to put over the tub to no avail. While I was in my craft room this afternoon he did it again! 

This time I found some chicken wire to protect my plants. I just hope they survived being replanted 3 times and that the bird gives up so I can remove the wire later. 

I have not done much more crosstitch but I have been playing with some watercolours and pens. I wasn't going to share my art adventure yet as I am just learning how to use brushes and the watercolours . Lots of playing and practice.  I have found a few You Tube tutorials and today I played with one colour loosely following  a tutorial on painting bookmarks. I bought a new brush the other day but I am still trying to master it so the leaves are not very good. I used gold pen as well. 

I am having lots of fun drawing like I used to do 50 years ago but I have never used watercolours before . It shall be an interesting journey. 

Sunday 14 July 2024



Brrrr it is cold! I suppose it is not as cold as many other places and we have had a fairly good winter so far but my body does not enjoy cooler weather much. It is a pity I don't have a crocheted blanket project to do as I love sitting with the growing blanket draped over my legs as I crochet. I already have too many but it probably won't deter me from making another one in the future if I discover one that really pops out at me. Ah well, I still have those blooms to stitch together yet. Meanwhile I have made further progress with my crosstitch. I could just consider it finished as it is but there is a small border yet to do. Or is there??? Hmmmm. I need to think about it.

Oh dear! Google wouldn't let me add my pics unless I agreed to cookies! Really? Anyone else have this problem? This internet lark is becomming more complicated and less secure not allowing any option but to accept. Grrrrr. 

I digress...... I thoroughly enjoyed reading Melissa Gilbert's newest book written since the pandemic . I can't believe 'half pint' is now 60 years old lol. 

             Keep warm or cool depending on where you live . 

Monday 8 July 2024



My slow and steady clean up in my craft room is still going. I did have a few days off but have done more today and yesterday. Many more things are off to the Op Shop including buttons but I am offering  these packs of Giggle Buttons ceramic buttons to you first. If anyone wants one or all packs I am happy to post them to you. I shall be holding on to them until Friday. 

I also have this pack of 100 laser cut hexies that I no longer need.

I have been reading again, something I have not been doing very much lately. As an avid Corrie fan I couldn't resist buying this book when I found it . It was a really light read but enjoyable. 

Now back to more decluttering....or a cuppa. Hmmm me thinkith a cuppa. 


  Weekly blogging is hard to keep up with lately as my crafty progress is slow these days. Health challenges often get in the way of product...