Thank goodness for " I Stitch" BOM. I am so pleased that I eventually succumbed as it has proven to be good therapy for me. Each day I hear my holiday neighbours coming and going several times a day despite there only being 4 reasons to go out during lockdown. I wonder where they go as I am not permitted to visit my daughter and grandsons only 15 minutes away, nor my parents only 10 minutes away unless dropping off their shopping or care giving. Obviously there are different rules for holiday people who relocated for lockdown despite being told not to. Our numbers of Covid 19 cases are rising here and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to work out a likey reason. Bah humbug!
So, I have been enjoying some stitching. I have pieced part of the 1st block but need to cut some squares and circles for the top and left side.
The stitcheries for March have been finished.
April's well on the way.
I have been rummaging through my fabric remnants I keep for applique trying to find pieces suitable for those squares and circles I mentioned. Maybe I will have at least one block finished soon.
As they say ,( whoever"they" are)....keep stitching and carry on.
Angel Blessings.