Sunday 25 September 2022



I have my mojo back! Yey! It is amazing how much happier I am when I have some crochet or stitching to do. Although I haven't made much progress on anything else, I have made progress with my Eastern Jewels blanket. 

All the granny triangles have been done and placed in labelled bags with the squares. 

The 4 corner half granny triangles are also finished.

See these foundation circles for the octagons I had prepared years ago....

they were all wrong! I had crocheted the wrong stitches so I unpulled them and remade each one. That kept me busy for a while.

Yesterday I started making an octagon and this is as far as I got so I am hoping to finish it today if all goes according to plan. 

I will have to do something about the pink showing through parts of the blue round but I don't want it to distract me from progressing .

Well, that's my excitement for the week. What was yours? 

Sunday 18 September 2022



Thankyou Chooky for hosting the Zoom day last weekend. Although I didn't stay long it really brightened my day. I had overdone things a couple of days up the flood in our ensuite bathroom after a pipe burst inside our vanity cupboard. The day was spent mopping up all the water from the floor and the cupboard which contained baskets of things, the baskets full of water. The water gushed out until we could get someone to help us turn the water off outside.  3 loads of towels to wash and dry took most of the day. I

I have persisted with my Eastern Jewels crochet and completed the last granny square which I hadn't realised wasn't done. Number 9.  Then I discovered I had crocheted the wrong stitch on the last row of 3 granny squares which I then unpulled and redid. I then crocheted a granny triangle and made 3 more yesterday. They are not perfect, infact patience and persistance ran out after 5 attempts and re reading instructions. I ended up fudging a bit but I have the correct number of stitches so hopefully everything will come together nicely. Fingers crossed...and toes and legs. 

I hope the pic isn't too blurry. I can't hold my tablet steady enough while hovering above to take pics.

Looking for something to read while waiting for my next delivery from Booktopia , I found a book on my shelf that I bought over 10 years ago and had forgotten about. It was only $4.00 and is 2 books in one. I just finished the 1st book and thoroughly enjoyed it. " Sing As We Go". I shall read the other one after I have read my new Tara Moss book which I started last night. 

I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Thanks for visiting me.

I just checked this post and saw that the text size changes. Sorry, no idea why. Lol. 

Sunday 4 September 2022



Well, here I go again. Blogger seems to have changed things on me and after fiddling around I finally got it set to how it was. I can't remember what I did to get it back so I hope it doesn't disappear again.

I have finally finished hand quilting all the blocks. Here are the last 3. It looks a bit wonky in parts but once the quilt borders are re pinned it will look okay. Now I am wondering whether to just machine quilt the 2 borders even though the stitches will be small or continue hand quilting. 

I finished reading another book.  There was a BBC series on ABC a few years ago called " Home Fires" set in England during WW11 and this is the next book. 

It is very cold here but the sun is shining. We have visited my dad for Father's Day and I have been over to feed and spend time with my grandcat while her family is away during the weekend. I am off to the sewing room to seek out another UFO or pick up a new embroidery to do while contemplating how to finish the quilt and the autumnal applique I did. As long as they don't become UFOs again lol. 


  Weekly blogging is hard to keep up with lately as my crafty progress is slow these days. Health challenges often get in the way of product...