Tuesday 16 April 2024



Twelve months ago my mum broke her hip playing table tennis and I had weeks of hospital visits to assist my dad to. Well, almost a year to the day since then, last Monday,  dad fell through his glass house and cut through a muscle in his arm requiring an ambulance, and week of hospital visits to take mum to this time. Thank goodness he was discharged from hospital on the 6th day, 2 days after surgery .  All is well.

As my days were filled travelling to and from the hospital I never had the time or energy to visit my local craft shop to buy more Aida cloth and threads I needed so I ordered online from an Australian company that was recommended by a blogger during a Zoom meeting a while ago. It was a very prompt delivery . I had one day free to relax and catch up on household tasks while someone else visited dad that day , so I sat and wound my new threads onto bobbins and packaged them up with the individual crosstitch patterns ready to pickup and start stitching. 

Both my grandsons have requested some Pokemon crosstitches so I found some free patterns online and now have all the threads I need. Why is it I never had quite a few of them  when I have 2 boxes full of DMC threads? 

Meanwhile I have remained sane by stitching a gothic design for my youngest daughter.

                         I rather love this bat taking shape.

Got to go now. Hubby is unwell and my quiet time is over lol. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Sorry to read about your dad - what a frightening thing to happen! I do hope his arm will recover OK. Haha, when I wound my stranded threads onto bobbins I didnt record any numbers. Most of them were old, inherited from my Aunt and Nana and had either lost their numbers or they were out of date. I just use whichever one I think is closest to the picture or takes my fancy. The bat is looking great! xx

  2. I hope your Dad is recovering well and that Hubby isn't too poorly and recovers quickly too.
    Cute bat!

  3. hope your dad is recovered now...........parents sure do take some care don't they........



  Weekly blogging is hard to keep up with lately as my crafty progress is slow these days. Health challenges often get in the way of product...