Sunday 30 October 2022



After putting this crochet project in the "too hard" basket a few years ago I thought it would never get finished until I decided to try again a while ago. Now I am on the final octagon.  Yey! 

                                   Here is Octagon # 13

                                                 # 14



These have been sprayed with a light mist to block them I hope it works. They are the 4 corner triangles and the 1st octagon.

Hubby found this purple spray bottle for me in the supermarket as my plastic one doesn't work. Guess what? Neither does this new one! Grrrrrr. So, I am using one that hubby had. Why does something so simple end up being so hard? I now have a nice colourful pile of octagons ready to block.

The hard part begins.....crocheting it all together. As I have fudged a little with the pattern I just hope it all fits together nicely. As this will take time waiting for pieces to dry before I can join them I am seeking out a new crochet project. I know I still have some hand quilting to finish and a few UFOs to keep me going but crochet relaxes me more.

                                        Wish me luck! 

Sunday 23 October 2022



Since my last post I have managed to crochet 4 more octagons . I haven't done any stitching since I have become addicted to these octagons despite having to fudge a little with all of them. I got the hang of it after a while. With only 4 more left to do, one already started, I am beginning to panic about how I am going to block all the shapes before the daunting task of crocheting them all together. I guess I shall meet that challenge when the time comes. So, here are the latest 4. 

                                         Octagon #  9




Maybe I shall finish the next one tonight as I am busy tomorrow so no crocheting will be happening. I hope you are all safe from the crazy weather at the moment. Keep safe.


Sunday 16 October 2022



Another 3 octagons are done which means that I habe made 8 out of 16. Yey! Here are blocks 6, 7 and 8.


I still don't like many of the colour combinations put together but I guess it is a bit late to choose my own combinations now. 

I finished this book last night and it is now on the shelf with 3 of this author's other books I read a few years ago. 

I hope everyone is okay and not anywhere near the floods. We have had heaps of rain but today has been sunny all day. Keep safe.

Sunday 9 October 2022

3,4 AND 5

While watching Bathurst most of the day I have completed the 5th octagon. Last time I showed you block 3 in progress and here it is finished.

I unpulled octagon 1 that I had nearly completed incorrectly a few years ago and redid it.

                                      Octagons 4 and 5.

I really need to purchase some proper blocking equipment for my crochet projects as I have never done any blocking before....for those who don't crochet this means the blocks are pinned to their correct shape and sprayed with water ...I think lol. As you can see in previous pics I have pinned the octagons to polystyrene boards I had tucked away but haven't sprayed them. It was just to show the octagon shape correctly. I think I bought the boards years ago to make as block keepers for my little handpieced quilts. I also think it may have been Chooky who had this idea??? 

Sunday 2 October 2022



Hooray! After much ado , scratching my head trying to work out the instructions...sometimes the stitch count didn't add up despite reading the instructions a zillion times....I finally finished my first octagon . Well, it is actually octagon number 2 because I started octagon 1 a few years ago which only has a couple of rounds left to do but it has to be unpulled because the stitches are wrong. I decided to pin my completed octagon to display it better. It has way too much pink in it for my liking but it will look okay mingled with all the others. 

                           Octagon number 3 is in progress.

                Another book has been read. She is new author for me. I am not sure if I will read her other one in this series but it was okay. 

Now I am going to check out your blogs and get back to my crochet.


  Weekly blogging is hard to keep up with lately as my crafty progress is slow these days. Health challenges often get in the way of product...