Wednesday 9 January 2019


I am joining in Jenny's weekly " The Gentle Art of Domesticity" linky  which is on my side bar, top right.  Unfortunately, the book that inspired this is very hard to find but I rather like the description and exerpts that Jenny has put on her blog. I have met so many beautiful people in blog land over the years, especially fellow crafters and I hope that I meet many more this year.

The word "Domesticity" often makes the modern woman cringe as they somehow link it with female submission and subservience. In my younger years as a mother with 2 children I was proud to be a stay at home mum and detested those words many women described themselves with....JUST a stay at home mum. I would tell them to get rid of that word " just" as it completely demeaned the wonderful work women, and some men by then,  did raising children and maintaining a comfortable home.

For decades I have described myself as being a domestic goddess but I have not by any means been a 50s style housewife cooking and cleaning all day. Now, as a grandmother, mother, wife and carer I look back at those early years with a smile. Despite a huge life change back in the 90s which saw me moving to a regional area on my own with 2 young daughters after a marriage breakdown, the last 29 years have been quite fulfilling.

I find a lot of pleasure from simple things, especially my array of potted colour on our back verandah which is our main entrance that everyone uses into our home. I have planted in this old bathtub for many years as it was my dad's.

This plant stand was my grandmothers's.

This plant hanger was green but we painted it white. Unfortunately, living by the beach means that salt air quickly errodes metal things and my plant stand and hanger both need revamps.

I also love putting hand picked flowers on my bathroom vanity. 

Well, that is my introduction to The Gentle Art of Domesticity. May your days be blooming beautiful.


  1. A lovely touch of flowers in the bathroom. Thanks for the idea.

  2. Hi Ondrea I really enjoyed this post ,so proud of you too for bringing up two lovely daughters on your own would not have been easy.
    Love your pretty flowers details around the home,enjoy your day my friend xx

  3. Loved your post Ondrea. I subscribe to....women support other women and their choices! I so love your pretty floral touches and as a fan of rust....I kinda like your plant stand xxxx

  4. A lovely post Ondrea. I too am following along with Jenny and have the book on my kindle - not cheap but I hope worth it. Your displays of flowers look so gorgeous. I too like your rust! I have a stay at home stepson and our little granddaughter certainly shows the benefit of having someone there for her all the time. However this is reliant on my daughter-in-laws high powered (and high paid) job which means that she is probably not around as much as she would like. There are ups and downs in all situations. xx

  5. Beautiful post Ondrea, just is a word many women say to explain what they do, just a mother, just a part time worker, just a scrap quilt, it pops up in all kinds of ways. I am with Michelle, women supporting women in what they decide to do with their own family and circumstances. Your plants and pots look beautiful, we have roses inside at present.

  6. It is so lovely to meet you Ondrea, I think this journey is going to be fun, and we will discover many more wonderful like minded bloggers out there!

  7. This is a lovely writing. I am also stay at home mum, and I've no regret on that. XOXO

  8. Lovely heartfelt words. And I can tell your home is made with love, Ondrea. xx

  9. Love all your gorgeous flowers, they certainly brighten a home.

  10. And it's a lovely entry into things. The flowers are beautiful. You obviously have a green thumb, and I, equally obviously, don't. =) Both are homes speak of us, though, and the love we share within its walls.



  Weekly blogging is hard to keep up with lately as my crafty progress is slow these days. Health challenges often get in the way of product...