Sunday 5 September 2021



Last post I had started reading another book and I finished it last night. I am amazed how many Australian authors I seem to gravitate to even when I don't know who they are until I read the blurb about them. I really enjoyed this book from the beginning and when I finished it I read the author's notes where I discovered her main character is based on a Joan Miller who worked with MI5 . Now I am seeking out her book of memoirs.

Not much stitching has been happening here and I have the urge to crochet another blanket for the couch potatoe, me. Lucy's ( Attic 24) Moreland blanket came to mind as I love the undulating wave effect. Then I saw this section of the blanket ...

I looove those colours and have used all of them from Lucy's previous CALs. I have some yarn left over but not enough so I ordered more from Wool Warehouse again. This is what I have left of the colours in my stash so I can probably start it while waiting for the delivery.

The colours don't look as good in this pic but they are exactly the same as those in the blanket segment I like.

Now all I need to do is work out how many foundation chain I need for the size I want the blanket to be.

Keep safe and well.


  1. I only do audio books now days as I fall asleep reading to often and barely get thru a page.......I'll have to see if this book is available thru Borrow Box

  2. That looks an interesting read. Have taken a note of the name and added it to the list. I see another pretty blanket in your future.

  3. I have read and enjoyed that book too. Love the crochet blanket, the colours are really pretty.

  4. What a beautiful blanket you are starting Ondrea and I adore the colours you have chosen, they would be my choice of colours too! Hope your weekend is going well. Hugs Christine xx



  Weekly blogging is hard to keep up with lately as my crafty progress is slow these days. Health challenges often get in the way of product...