Saturday 15 May 2021



I am sorry for not catching up with your blogs. My usual routine was to blog once a week and read all your blogs then. However, I haven't been blogging as much recently due to lack of productivity , fatigue and helping out with my grandsons. I have been playing with more mosaic crochet and this one is called Mosaic Lanterns. A bigger sample this time. The left edge is a bit wonky but I know how to avoid it next time.

I bought some yarn to make another ear warmer but the yarn is much thinner than the 8ply it is supposed to be so I am going to crochet another one using another purple yarn with it.


I have finished another Fiona McIntosh book. This one is about my favourite drink lol. 

It was a stormy night last night and it has been quite chilly the past few days. I am still waiting for summer! I think we skipped it this year.

I hope you are all keeping warm or cool depending on where you live.

Thanks for visiting.



  1. Another nice mosaic sample Ondrea. Isnt it annoying when yarn does not turn out as it should! Grey and damp here again, much as we needed the rain it gets a bit depressing after a while. xx

  2. Your mosiac crochet is lovely, as Lin says it is frustrating when the wool is not the ply you expect. I enjoyed that book. We had a lot of rain last night and strong winds.

  3. Love your mosaic crochet Ondrea, it's really pretty. Hope your weather brightens up again soon! Raining here at the moment! Hugs Christine xx

  4. The crochet is gorgeous... love that effect.... love the twist in the ear warmer too...

  5. That mosaic pattern is most effective. Stay warm.



  Weekly blogging is hard to keep up with lately as my crafty progress is slow these days. Health challenges often get in the way of product...