Sunday 7 March 2021

2 OUT OF 3


I thought I wouldn't have any stitching to post today but I just finished this one 5 minutes ago.

It is the 2nd one of Jenny's B.O.M. The last stitchery shall be started tonight.

My verandah plants have given me weeks of colour but my tub petunias needed to be removed as they were overgrown and straggly. After a trip to Bunnings yesterday I replanted the tub this afternoon with some sweet violas. Two more plants are awaiting potting tomorrow. I have used this tub for my plants over many years. It is the tub my father was bathed in as a baby 89 years ago. 

 We had a beautiful summer day today in Autumn which was most welcome. I reckon we have only had a handful of summer days this year with the heating being used quite often and the air con on only about 3 times. Weird! 

I hope you have had a nice weekend and enjoyed some sunshine and stitching.


  1. Beautiful stitching Ondrea! Fancy you still having the tin bath that your father used as a baby!! Your plants are looking fabulous in it! Hugs Christine xx

  2. Lovely stitching Ondrea. Yes it's been crazy weather here this summer too, although today is forecast for low 30's. One good thing I can say about this cooler summer is that my electricity bill is way smaller than usual :-)

  3. We haven't really had a summer this year have we.
    Lovely you have the bowl with wonderful family connections. Your stitchery is lovely .

  4. Lovely little block Ondrea. How nice to have that old bath of your Father's - it will be so pretty when those violas fill out. xx

  5. A very sweet knitting basket. Love the tub of colour.

  6. Lovely stitching, pretty colours. The bath tub is going to look so pretty.



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