Sunday 29 November 2020



I guess I won't be able to put off fabric auditioning for the last 2 blocks of the B.O.M much longer now that I am doing the last stitchery of the last block.  I finished this one...

The final one is in my hoop.

Having enjoyed making a bookmark for a little gift, I decided to make 2 more. Once I have success with something I tend to get the urge to make more.

Back to the B.O.M , I have some lace to handstitch onto some blocks and some needleturning to finish on one then the last 2 blocks need to be pieced. We know what that means...auditioning fabrics. Hmmm, I shall need lots of patience for that.

Thankyou for visiting my little part of blog land.

Sunday 22 November 2020



Where oh where has the week gone? I am usually home most days and pace myself  but I had a few necessary appointments to attend as well as venturing out to look for clothes and gifts. As usual, I came home empty handed. You may recall that I traced 2 of the same stitcheries last week with a small project in mind.....this is it. A little gift. 

A while ago I came across a  free Christmas stitchery from 'Hugs and Kisses'  and I stitched it during the week ready to create a Christmas gift.

Two  B.O.M stitcheries are finished with just 2 left. Then the dreaded fabric auditioning can not be delayed any more as the quilt shall then be ready to piece , sandwich and quilt.

Looks like I need to shop for border and backing fabric soon.

I hope your week was a good one and that you are all keeping safe and well.

Sunday 15 November 2020



The " Wish You Well" B.O.M has come to an end with December's block released early. It is great not having to wait with Christmas fast approaching. I finished the last November stitchery which happens to be my favourite one of all.

The December designs are traced with one extra for a little project I have in mind.

The weather here has been both warm and cool. Not a good combo for me. A lot of people are down here now and I am crossing my fingers that the lack of mask wearing and social distancing does not lead to another outbreak for Christmas. Keep safe and well and thankyou for visiting me. 


Sunday 8 November 2020


Once again all I have stitched is the " Wish You Well" monthly block. Two out of three stitcheries are done and I have started the last one. Unfortunately, my stitching is not as good as it used to be and I am finding my backstitches harder to keep even in size but I can't get too hung up on that or I will lose the enjoyment of stitching. I wonder if others have found the same problem as they get older ...eyes and arthritic fingers. 

The sun is out today and restrictions on travel kms have been lifted here as of tomorrow so things are looking up. 

Keep safe , keep smiling, and keep stitching.

P.s  I just looked at this post and found that the font size changed in places. I apologise as I have tried to rectify the problem to no avail. 

Sunday 1 November 2020



November's pattern for the "Wish You Well" B.O.M arrived last night so I printed it up right away ready to start today. I had a bit of a turn this morning and my blood pressure dropped rather low so I thought my plans had gone awry but I recovered and have just finished tracing the stitcheries and choosing the threads which are bagged and ready to pick up and stitch. I just have to go a bit slower with everything today.

Our shops have reopened and although I am not rushing out to buy anything I was pleased that I could go to buy some lace yesterday. We had actually pulled in the car park of Bunnings to buy some potted blooms but hubby's mask broke. Light bulb moment....go to Lincraft just around the corner and buy a disposable one and look for some lace. Voila! Done! Hopped back in the car and hubby tried to put the new mask on . It broke!!! Hence we never went back to Bunnings and my wind blown droopy flowers have not been replaced.

Due to Covid restrictions I haven't seen my youngest daughter since February but we text and chat a lot on the phone. On her day off working from home she carved a full size pumpkin for Halloween . She has previously done smaller pumpkins but this was the first large one she tackled. It is the Hat Box ghost from the Haunted Mansion.

I have finished a lovely book which I saw on Sue's ( Kiwi Kid) blog a while ago. A new author has now been added to my list. The descriptions of Melbourne and Mildura are particulary good and very acurate. My dad lived in Mildura as a kid and I 'fact checked ' with him. 

I love to see what people are reading on their blogs and have been directed to authors I have never considered before. Needless to say, I have just received 3 more books from Booktopia and one more is still on the way. I mention the company because they are very prompt despite Covid , the books always arrive undamaged and they are an Australian company. 

Happy stitching and reading.


  Weekly blogging is hard to keep up with lately as my crafty progress is slow these days. Health challenges often get in the way of product...