Friday, 24 April 2020


I have just spent the last half hour trying to redo my blog list to this page. I managed to delete the list when trying to add someone. Grrrrr. I had to go to my emails to get the links to each of your blog pages. Whew! I thought I would never be able to find you all again and that was quite disheartening.  

I have not achieved much since my last post but munchkin's blanket is growing.

I finished another book last night. It took me a while to get into it but I still enjoyed it.

I tried to focus on making the pillowslips yesterday for my 3 year old munchkin but I managed to cut a piece the wrong size so I put it aside again for today. Well, that didn't happen because I didn't get to sleep until around 5am and I have had a headache all day. Perhaps tomorrow.

Angel Blessings


  1. Hi Ondrea ,yes it's a buggar when that happens and well done on figuaring it out . Sorry to hear that you couldn't sleep and I hope your headache goes away soon for you,take care and stay safe my friend xx

  2. Your blanket is growing well, sorry to hear you had a cutting woops with the pillowcase. Sometimes books are like that aren't they, give us a bit to a challenge. Hope the headache goes away and you are feeling better soon.

  3. I have done that before with my blog...and for some reason some just disappear.
    Hope you feel better today

  4. It is so annoying to loose names like that - usually takes ages to put right. Hope you feel better soon. xx

  5. Ugh! Hope your headache is gone.
    I did that once, lost all of my reading list. I do hope you found everyone.
    Your blanket is looking good.

  6. Oh no what a pain....glad you found us all again xx Your blanket is growing nicely. Unsewing is also a pain. Sorry you had a bad night xx



  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...