Monday, 9 September 2019


I am almost embarrassed to have so many unfinished quilts stashed away. So many, that I can't even remember when I started them. I usually put labels on my quilts which state the year of completion but it will give a somewhat misguided concept of an incredibly productive year if I date all my completed UFOs 2019.  Here is my Red Brolly UFO pieced together. Ignore the background fabric I have layed it on. I was auditioning border fabrics from my stash but, alas, have none suitable. Ah well, another trip to the quilt shop.

I have made progress needle turning my hexie table topper to border strips. I figured I would try to work out how to do it prior to putting borders on my Little Lucy EPP quilt. Thanks to some sewing friends I think we have worked it out. I found it quite strange that there were no instructions on You Tube how to actually finish the borders on EPP quilts. They just showed how to finish the edges by needle turning onto one border or cutting the edge and just stitching on binding. There was no videos showing how to attach 4 borders. 

I still need to attach all borders to my other 2 quilts but I couldn't resist checking out my  UFO box this afternoon. 

Angel Blessings.


  1. Hi Ondrea oh I love your quilt blocks and your hexie topper is looking awesome.
    Well done my friend on your lovely work xx

  2. well done on your Red Brolly ufo, you are doing really well with getting thru your ufo's this year.

  3. Great work getting through your UFO box. Love your Red Brolly quilt and I look forward to seeing what fabric you decide on for the final border.

  4. You have some lovely work heading to the finish line. It is a good feeling to work through the UFO pile.

  5. Great work on the UFO's
    Imagine your joy when you get them all finished

  6. Hi Ondrea... Wow, so wonderful to have a new baby, I hope the New Mum is recovering well. Exciting times.
    I note with interest your writing about the finishing of EPP projects like quilts & runners, and the lack of good information available for the makers of such things. I've been thinking about that too, with my scrappy hexy quilt... even though I've long had a plan in mind for mine, I too had noticed a lack of any other info apart from what you write about here. I hope you're able to finish yours in a way that makes you happy tricky as it is.
    Lovely to catch up on your recent posts & your words about the completion of so many things this year, gave me a good giggle!
    Anthea x



  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...