Sunday, 29 January 2023



So far I have kept up with Attic 24's CAL and was, once again, ready to start the next part when it was released on  Friday night.  So, I have already crocheted 5 rows of part 4.

Ooops! Pic is upside down. Grrrr.


While waiting for more crochet to do I decided to finish the last bit of Gail Pan's " Wish You Well" BOM that I made during the early days of the pandemic , a lot of it done while we were in lockdown here in Victoria. I had one little embroidery to needleturn onto the quilt. 

It is not exactly a perfect circle but it will have to do. I made the quilt top entirely from fabric in my stash and I have some fabric for the backing but nothing for a border. I haven't been fabric shopping since before the pandemic started and I am thinking I may not add a border. 

Today I looked for my next UFO to do and found these I had done stored in a container with all the fabrics from a kit  of Lynette Anderson's  "Woodlands Secrets".

Looks like I shall be sorting everything out so I can start needleturning and piecing the quilt top after all these years stashed away.  

Happy stitching.


Monday, 23 January 2023



My Springfrost blanket is growing and I completed the 2nd week of the CAL just in time for the release of week 3 on Friday night. The top 4 and a half rows of week 3 have been done and I have been sewing in more ends. The colours are a lot softer than they appear in this photo.

The label for my finished quilt is finished and I have since sewn it onto the back of the quilt. Now I am contemplating whether to put a sleeve on it or not. I regard my quilts as finished once they have a label on them but I don't always put sleeves on the bigger ones. Having said all this I can't find the pic I took. Do you put labels and sleeves on all your quilts?

The book I received for Christmas has been eagerly read and I finished the last couple of pages this morning. Yes, it is another book about a cult, one I have another book about and I have also watched a doco series about it.  The cult leader is now in gaol for 120 years. 

I hope you have all had an enjoyable and productive stitching weekend.



Monday, 16 January 2023


I have been in my happy place crocheting Attic 24's latest CAL blanket. Week 2 was released on Friday night and I was ready to start as I had completed week one on time. There is no hurry and no need to keep up as the instructions remain on Lucy's blog forever but I simply love the meditative rythm of crochet. Some days I would have a break because my arthritic fingers acted up from too much crocheting the day before so I have to pace myself a bit better. The top 3 and a half stripes are from week 2.  

I have also been stitching a label for my finished quilt which will have a small border of the pictured fabric around it.

Unfortunately, I am having a lot of trouble with my fingers and eyes these days so my stitching is not as good as it used to be. Does anyone else have that problem? 

Another book has been read and returned to my mum . I am fortunate that we often enjoy similar books and can share them.

May your days be filled in your happy place.

Saturday, 7 January 2023


The final stitch has been made on my Cotton Country quilt binding about half an hour ago. I decided to use the fabrics that were in the quilt to make a scrappy binding and this is the result. Now I just need to design and stitch a label . 

Attic 24's CAL started last night here in Australia so I printed up the relevant pages and started crocheting a sample today to check my tension. I don't usually worry about tension for crocheted blankets but I thought it was a good idea to also get used to the pattern. 

We have had a lovely lot of strawberries to pick this week. Despite being under netting cheeky ravens managed to squeeze their beaks in gaps and eat a few themselves. Ah well, at least they share. 

        This was the last book I finished reading in 2022. 

We have had a lovely warm day today with 2 more summer days ahead. Tourists are everywhere, the roads are bedlam, and I am happy to sit, stitch, and crochet . I hope you are enjoying some crafty time too. 


  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...