Sunday 4 September 2022



Well, here I go again. Blogger seems to have changed things on me and after fiddling around I finally got it set to how it was. I can't remember what I did to get it back so I hope it doesn't disappear again.

I have finally finished hand quilting all the blocks. Here are the last 3. It looks a bit wonky in parts but once the quilt borders are re pinned it will look okay. Now I am wondering whether to just machine quilt the 2 borders even though the stitches will be small or continue hand quilting. 

I finished reading another book.  There was a BBC series on ABC a few years ago called " Home Fires" set in England during WW11 and this is the next book. 

It is very cold here but the sun is shining. We have visited my dad for Father's Day and I have been over to feed and spend time with my grandcat while her family is away during the weekend. I am off to the sewing room to seek out another UFO or pick up a new embroidery to do while contemplating how to finish the quilt and the autumnal applique I did. As long as they don't become UFOs again lol. 


  1. Lovely to get that quilting done - it does look good. Some simple quilting in the border will look great allowing the embroideries to shine. I did enjoy that TV series - have not read the books - such a shame that they did not make any more. xx

  2. The quilting looks lovely. I enjoyed the TV series Home Fires but haven't read that book.

  3. Lovely work as always. I would stay with the hand quilting on the borders. Loved that tv series. The British do all those historic series so well.

  4. Well done on your quilting, could you do big stitch quilting on the border?

  5. I think your quilting looks fabulous Ondrea and I think you should stick with the hand quilting for the borders. Hope your week is going well. Hugs Christine xx



  Weekly blogging is hard to keep up with lately as my crafty progress is slow these days. Health challenges often get in the way of product...