Saturday, 11 June 2022



It's Saturday. Housework is done, 2nd load of washing is in the dryer, what better time to get back to Lucy? I have to get it finished sometime so today was the day....note I said 'was'. I spread it out on the floor with the floor rug behind me and managed to get a carpet burn on top of my foot from constantly moving backwards and forwards aligning and pinning the borders. I finally pinned the corners of the borders straight, not mitred, folding the fabric about 7/8ths inch for the neat join. I then ironed the fold before machine stitching the first border along the join. After searching for a bandaid for my pricked finger after realising blood was on the fabric I finally sat at the sewing machine and sewed. Oh dear! It didn't join as planned so I unpicked it all, put the sewing machine away and put Lucy back where I found her.

I sewed along the crease but that was a silly idea. It didn't catch the other border. Dah! I cannot work out how to attach the borders corners despite searching You Tube. Look like Little Lucy is staying unbordered a while longer.

           I enjoyed this light humourous read last week.

Well, I think that is my sewing day gone kaput so I shall attend to hubby who has a cold, open the bottle of sparkling rose I bought yesterday and binge some Coronation Street.

Keep warm and safe.


  1. oh dear.... just keep at it... something will work.... I am reading that book at the moment...

  2. Oh bugger....... Enjoy the rose..... I'll go poor a red to enjoy with you .....

  3. Oh dear. An idea will present itself one day I'm sure. I plan to add the full pieced border to my Lucy, complete with partial pieces. More time consuming, but I'm a sucker for it.

  4. Oh dear that sounds awful! Not sure what you are trying to do but let me know if I can help. Meanwhile, enjoy that book! Who knows, when you get your patchwork out again all may become clear. xx

  5. That sounds like a frustrating day of sewing for you Ondrea. Could you hand sew the pieces on? I enjoyed that book too. Hope hubby is better soon.

  6. I hope you will be friends with Lucy again before to long :-)
    Do you know that your own spit can remove stains your own blood from fabric? Wet a small piece of cotton fabric in your mouth, and use it as erasing gum. It is an old seamstress trick. It works every time.



  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...