Sunday, 20 February 2022


  Have you ever had those days, weeks or months where everything needs repairing, replacement or the simplest task turns into a massive effort to complete and trying to rectify problems requires hours waiting on the phone to talk to an actual human being? I am sure everyone endures such times now and then but it is all rather exhausting. My stitching has been neglected and when I convince myself that doing some stitching will be theraputic , as it has always been for me, I find myself picking it up only to make mistakes and further add to my loss of enthusiasm to finish my projects. However, I persevered the last couple of nights trying to stitch my little quilt and have hand pieced 4 rows. Alas, one block in the 2nd row has not lined up properly and the same thing has happened with the 4th row, same block. I shall unpick the last row's misalignment otherwise the quilt will be a bit wonky if neglected.


I have added a few more rows to my crocheted blanket and it shouldn't take long before I crochet the border. So, I won't take a pic until I am ready to do that.

I have nearly finished this novel.

I hope you are keeping safe and well.


  1. If I have to make "one of those phone calls" I put the phone on speaker and sit in fron of my computer and do some research for future projects while waiting, waiting, waiting for a human - hopefully that I can understand. I hope this week is better for you.

  2. Your HSTs look rather cute all sewn together. I have a bag full of them. I really must do something.....

  3. I think you know I love HST's together.... nothing wrong with giving anything a bit of a break so just do what makes you happy...

  4. Your hand pieced HSTs look great. You are a patient woman hand sewing them. Hope this week is better for you.

  5. Your HSTs look great Ondrea. If you need to take a break from stitching don't worry about it, your creativity will come back to you. I've been in that position fairly frequently over the last couple of years but I am back on track now! Hugs Christine xx

  6. Your little HST's look lovely Ondrea. I am sure that when things calm down you will get your mojo back. I usually pick up some knitting when I feel like that - and you have your crochet. Hugs. xx

  7. Your HST's look wonderful to me. Sometimes we all need a break and having other things on your mind can be overwhelming, hopefully things are sorting and settling into place for you now.

  8. I know that feeling....... Takes a bit too get back in track......



  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...