Saturday, 5 February 2022



My apologies for not catching up with your blog posts. My mum had emergency surgery and is now home but I had little time to do anything while she was in hospital for a week as I was ensuring dad was ok at home by himself each day and getting his groceries etc. I was also contacting the hospital each day for updates and ensuring mum had everything she needed as no visitors were allowed due to Covid restrictions still in place. Ofcourse, everything happens at once and we have had other stressful things to deal with as well. So, I have not done much stitching or crochet as I have been completely overwhelmed and just find myself chilling out watching streamed programs. 

However, I did finish reading a book that was a Christmas present. If you love Miriam you will find her bio really interesting . I am not easily shocked but I found myself a bit shocked with some info lol.

Today I traced a lovely little stitchery to make a bookmark, one of a series of free designs that Jennifer ( is kindly putting on her blog. 

Although  I have little to show you of my craft I thought I would show you what my daughter ( mother of my two grandsons) has been crocheting.  The cat is for my eldest munchkin and the other was a Christmas pressie for someone.

I promise to catch up with your blogs soon. I hope you are all well and keeping safe.



  1. all the best for a full recovery for your Mum..... take care. I love your daughters crocheted toys

  2. Oh wow, those crochet creatures are fabulous. Your daughter is very talented. I just started reading Miriam's book too. I met her a few years ago at the local Robertson Show - she owns/ed a house there.

  3. Good to see the crafty gene was passed on.
    I hope Mum and Dad are both fine.

  4. A clever actress but we were very disappointed when we saw her in a series about living in different places in retirement - such an obnoxious person!
    Do hope your mother is doing OK. The crochet animals are great and Jennifer's little bookmark designs are so sweet. xx

  5. It is amazing how many stressful events have to be dealt with at once. I am in the same situation as you with elderly parents and it can be a worry at times seeing them not coping as well as they did and finding it hard to accept their situation. Take care. Your daughter did a great job on the toys. Love the has attitude. Miriam certainly is a character and I am sure she enjoys giving out "shock value".

  6. I hope your Mum is on the road to recovery and that your Dad is ok too. I enjoy Miriam on the tv, she sometimes can be quite outrageous, and very set in her ideas. Your daughter has crafted beautiful animals. Look after yourself too!

  7. Sorry to hear about your Mum. Covid restrictions are awful to work around when you have loved ones in hospital! Sadly know from experience. I do hope she is on the mend very soon. I love Miriam...very very naughty. Just watched and enjoyed a doco with her and Alan Cummings! Your Daughter has made gorgeous crochet critters xx

  8. Sorry to hear you have been having a difficult time and I hope your Mum is fully recovered now. Love your daughter's crochet! Have a good week! Hugs Christine xx



  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...