Sunday, 21 November 2021



It has been a couple of weeks since my last post as I really haven't done much at all after I injured myself playing with my grandsons. As well as bruising my clavicle and chin I also managed to hurt my wrist, and 2 fingers on my right hand. So, that is what grandma gets having fun lol. It won't stop me playing with them though. 

I have trimmed the 2 embroideries ready to hang somewhere but still haven't found that "somewhere" so they are sitting on my sewing table. My B.O.M  pandemic quilt that I finished months ago just needed the bottom row added so I finally got around to that but I need to look for some border fabric and then decide if I want to take it to my quilter or hand quilt it myself. Apparently my quilter had someone drop off 15 quilts and another lady dropped off 8! At least she is still in business with all the stored pandemic quilts out there.

I have added more rows to my blanket.

Last week we had a brush with Covid. My hubby was out with his professional carer the Friday before which involved being in his car travelling to and from medical appointments as usual. On that weekend his carer notified him that he and his wife were very ill and were going to have a Covid test on the Sunday. So, we isolated until the results came in. Tuesday night the carer notified us that he and his wife both tested positive despited being doubly vaccinated. He sounded terrible on the phone and his wife could be heard in the background coughing badly. So, off we went Wednesday to be tested which involved parking the furtherest point away which was where disabled parking was. Typical! Then we were told we should have registered despite the website listing it as not requiring booking. We were supposed to have codes on our phones but my phone won't do QR codes. We finally got in line and waited around 50 minutes in the queue which I found difficult standing for so long ( my FMS) and then after giving all our info and proof of identity we were taken to the testing room.  Guess what? They told us we would have to be come back and be tested the next day, day 6! Well, that was not going to happen and I stated that fact. Then one of the nurses told us they had people who would come to our home to test us!! Really??? Where was that info?  We were told to phone them and request a test at home the next day. Can they give us the phone numbet? No! They ended up testing us there and after ages on the phone we booked someone to come on Thursday morning. They were certainly prompt because I hadn't even had time to shower when they arrived. Both tests were negative for us both but there was conflicting info on websites about hubby needing to remain in isolation being a primary contact. Despite living in the same house apparently I could go out and about! Makes no sense to me. Then those regs changed on Thursday midnight. Funny how one day he would need to keep isolating and the next day he didn't ! So, we decided it was best that neither of us go to my dad's 90th birthday celebration yesterday. I did not want to risk passing Covid onto my parents. It was only a small afternoon tea with immediate family, 10 of us including my parents. I haven't seen my youngest daughter since February but at least she briefly dropped by afterwards. My eldest daughter arranged a video chat so we could see everyone and watch dad cut the cake.

So, I really want to remind people that you can become quite ill with Covid even if you have been doubly vaccinated. They are no longer reporting how many people with Covid are in hospital who have been doubly vaccinated . Just as Vic has opened up and people are getting out and about enjoying life as much as they can, there is a very real threat still out there especially if masks will no longer be required. I am in no hurry to eat out or go to large shopping centres.

Sorry for the long winded post, but this is the new normal they were talking about. One never knows when they may have to isolate or quarantine. We can make plans but need to accept our plans may change any time. 

Please stay safe.

( I have no idea why the font size keeps changing lol).


  1. How sad that you couldn’t attend in person for dads 90th. Happy Birthday to him!

  2. What a run around for you both. Very hard not to join in the birthday celebrations but you could not take the risk and have to live with the consequences. Thank heavens for "screens".

  3. So many lovely parties have been missed over the last couple of years... I am glad you are fine though.. we are still learning about this disease but you are right... it has never been said that you won't get sick with the vaccinations but it is still our best defence available.... Take care...x

  4. So sorry you missed your Dad's party Ondrea and that you had all that worry over getting tested. I was sorry to hear that you injured yourself too and I do hope that things have improved for you this week! Hugs Christine xx

  5. Glad you were ok. The COVID rules make no sense at times..... I'm being extra cautious...



  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...