Saturday, 10 August 2019


It was perfect timing when I hooked the final border stitch on my Dune blanket 2 nights ago. Last night found me snuggled under this soft warm blanket clutching a hot water bottle with my legs up on the sofa watching Bloom, a fantastic Aussie TV series. Oh my, was it cold! Once again, our heater was struggling to reach 23 degrees and I don't think it did at all . It is supposedly the last month of winter but I think real winter has just arrived. 

I have been steadily piecing my quilt together and have come to the point where I need to sew that lost or forgotten stitchery . I have started that particular stitchery on a different background as I never did find any remnants of the original one I used but I think it will blend in nicely. Here is a pic of A Gardener's Journal so far.

I have finished a lovely book written by the same author who wrote The German Girl which I also loved.

The continual downpour of rain has ceased and I can see a teensy bit of sunshine out of  my window as I type but it seems to be slowly fading .

Angel Blessings.


  1. Hi Ondrea wow i love your blanket and yes you will need it over the next few days,its been freezing here today and we have had a lot of rain.
    Your gardner's journal is looking fantastic,well done my friend on your beautiful work xx

  2. Perfect timing to finish off your beautiful blanket. Good luck on finishing off the last block needed for your quilt.

  3. Your blanket looks lovely and snuggly. It is raining here this morning which is a blessing as the garden was getting very dry again. The perfect morning for bread and cake baking! xx

  4. Comgratulations on your finish, well done. Your blanket looks beautiful, so good to finish it as the cold snap is here. We saw left over lumps of ice from snowmen up around Daylesford, must have been super freezing up therr last weekend. Your Gardners Journal looks wonderful.



  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...