Sunday 23 June 2019


It has taken a while to get to this point so I was delighted to complete the first pieced section of my Angel quilt yesterday. I was a little worried about sorting placement of all the squares but I think it looks okay. Hmmmm, it appears that 2 polar bears are photo bombing.😀

                        My hexie garden has continued to bloom and grow.

The sun is shining but the winter chill is getting into my hands and legs so my stitching has slowed today. I hope you are enjoying your weekend, keeping warm and stitching. ( if you are in the UK I believe you are in for a heatwave, so keep cool. )

                                        Angel Blessings.

Saturday 15 June 2019


On my last post I was finishing my 3rd hexie flower. Now there are 7.  

A few minutes ago I stitched a label to my Crazy Cats quilt.

Yey! My quilt is officially done after having it quilted back in 2016. One cannot rush these things hehehe.

I have been cutting more squares for my angel quilt but still have about 100 more to do so maybe, just maybe, I can start piecing the quilt very soon.

Have a lovely weekend and I thank you for visiting.

Angel Blessings.

Sunday 9 June 2019


Making progress brings me joy and urges me to keep stitching until a project is completed. Yesterday I finished the last 2 angel blocks.

The sashings are made with 2 and a half inch squares and I still have about another 150 to cut,

I am also making progress with my EPP table runner. 2 and a half flowers are done.

My crochet is growing.

Angel blessings.

Sunday 2 June 2019


It is only officially 2 days in to winter and I am over it already.  Wet, cold, windy gloomy days are not exactly uplifting but they are perfect days for a bit of crochet or stitching while watching a movie , listening to a podcast, or simply binge watching a TV series .  I have been determined to complete projects and to finish everything I start instead of putting it away to finish off later. In my experience " later" usually ends up years later or completely forgotten!  I vow that there shall be no more surprise unfinished discoveries when sorting through my sewing room.  So, this weekend I put the binding on my Crazy Cats quilt which was finished and quilted back in 2016. Just a sleeve and label required now.

My 2nd little quilt has now been bound as well. Again, a sleeve and label shall see it completed. I have placed a peg next to it so you can see the size of this quilt.

I have enjoyed the calming rythm of crocheting most evenings . 

Keep snug and warm.

Angel Blessings.


  Weekly blogging is hard to keep up with lately as my crafty progress is slow these days. Health challenges often get in the way of product...