Sunday, 5 November 2023



........ a new word? It is what came to mind when I opened my yarn pack from the U.K .  Fifty eight little 10g balls of cotton/ acrylic yarn ready to pick and choose from for a new crochet project . 


Once again, it was cheaper to purchase the yarn with the postage from the U.K . I am not talking about saving just a couple of dollars, I saved heaps! Maybe the online shops here purchase it from overseas and by the time they add their mark up it is waaaaaay over priced. 

I have been cleaning up my youngest daughter's things she left here when she moved out nearly 20 years ago and she told me to toss all her books out. I shall be taking them to the OpShop but I couldn't part with one book that I just had to read. I re read Anne of Green Gables not long ago but had never read Anne of Avonlea. It is rather humourous in a gentle old fashioned way.

I had no idea several books were written in the series and would love to read them although I don't think my daughters owned any others. 

Now.....where is my crochet hook ? 


  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...