Sunday, 13 June 2021



The cold, wet and windy days were just perfect for snuggling up on the couch and doing more stitching while binging on some tv programs. We were fortunate not to have any damage from the wild weather but many trees were down all over the Peninsula. About 160, 000 people were without power for several days here in Victoria and many of those people are still without power until this coming Friday. I hope everyone in Vic blogland is okay.

I completed all 3 block 5 stitcheries. I  have to iron them again as the hoop I used has left quite a few indentations on the fabric. 


Many Melbournians have come down for the long weekend. Noone seems to care about the 25km radius we are supposed to stay in during this lockdown. With the absence of any authority actually doing anything about it one  wonders why we bother.  

Keep safe.


  1. Glad that you missed the worst of the weather Ondrea and that it has given you time for some more stitching. The latest stitcheries look beautiful. Hope you are keeping safe even if others aren't paying attention! Hugs Christine xx

  2. Very cute...especially the teapot. Glad to hear that you are safe and suffered no damage during the wild weather. Those like you and me seem to be in the minority when it comes to obeying the rules.

  3. Beautiful stitcheries Ondrea,I like the teapot too. Makes me sad to think people are not doing the right thing, several holiday houses have people in them here too.

  4. Sweet little stitcheries. You poor Victorians have had a rough time. Glad you had no damage. A couple of them travelled a bit further....all the way up here lol! You can't vaccinate against selfish and stupid! Stay cosy x

  5. oh yes people going wherever they want is not good and I am sure to many are doing that here also.........
    cute stitcheries....I do hope everyone has there power restored now after those much damage caused such long timeframes to get everyone back up and running........



  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...