Sunday 28 March 2021



Preparation for block 3 of  Jenny's B.O.M has begun. One to stitch and the others to applique...

I have started appliquing but have substituted some applique for stitching as I find it easier to choose threads than fabrics. Lazy, I know! 

Block 2 is almost finished with just another 3 border strips to add.

On Friday I ventured out to a shopping centre while my car was being serviced and it was so lovely to browse in my favourite book shop. I found this crochet book that I was looking for. 

Thankyou to those who helped solve my photo issue. I am still navigating this new blogger.  To those living in Qld, please take care and keep safe. Even here, in Vic, we still need to remain vigilant. I am still wearing a mask in large settings like supermarkets and shopping centres despite it not being mandatory since Friday night. Social distancing is still required but many people are ignoring it. To those overseas, I hope things improve for you and that you can reach a new normal soon.



  1. Your stitcheries are coming along beautifully and that book looks so strikingly beautiful. They say you should just a book by it's cover, but in this case, I certainly would :)

  2. Beautiful blocks Ondrea, good to hear you found the book you have been looking for. Love the blocks you have put together.

  3. Your blocks are looking lovely Ondrea and I am glad that you found a nice crochet book to look at. It looks lovely! Hope you have had a nice weekend and have a good week! Hugs Christine xx

  4. Nice big pictures Ondrea and your blocks are looking lovely. The book looks good - I must look out for it when I finally get to visit UK again! xx

  5. That washing line is sooo cute. Love the peg bag. A great book to have in your library.

  6. looks a great book and the stitcheries are coming along well



  Weekly blogging is hard to keep up with lately as my crafty progress is slow these days. Health challenges often get in the way of product...