Thursday 28 November 2019


Today I feel so blessed. So blessed that my beautiful eldest daughter, mother of my 2 grandsons 2 1/2 and 12 weeks old is safely back home. You see, after having successful gallbladder surgery followed by a day surgery to remove a stone they couldn't reach with the previous surgery she returned home but a few days later, early Sunday morning she collapsed and was bleeding. Yesterday she came home after 2 days in ICU and one day on a ward. After 4 units of blood , another surgery followed by a gastroscopy we are so relieved that she is well on the mend now. She is an amazing gal. Today she was resting at home and feeding my little baby grandson. Yes, actually breastfeeding him. 
Thankyou to a special bloggy friend who prayed for us and to another special friend who sent me a care package before the last awful turn if events. Our healing angels have been working overtime.

So, as you can imagine, not much creativity has been happening here. This is as far as I have got with my table topper.

I found these in a drawer which I had stitched ages ago for Christmas gifts. To be honest I have no idea which Christmas they were for .

It has taken me about 3 weeks to finish this book. I just wasn't in the right headspace for reading much.

So many things went awry during this time. I had to have a couple of procedures the morning after my daughter's rush to hospital. Even her poor hubby had to have a tooth extracted. I guess the planets weren't aligning or some such thing. One has to try to keep their sense of humour but this latest episode really tested me. I hope your week has been a blessed one. 

Angel hugs.

Sunday 17 November 2019


Not much crafty stuff has been happening here over the last 3 weeks due to a horrible dose of conjunctivitis that kept coming back but I was able to manage some crochet. In my last post I had made a couple of squares from a new CAL using some of my stash and I have since made some more. The interesting ( or annoying) thing is that despite using the same yarn and same hook some squares turned out larger than the others.

I am told that blocking will solve the problem and only time will tell.

Meanwhile this coming week is topsy turvy with my daughter just discharged from hospital today and going back tomorrow. So, grandma is on call. 

Angel Blessings.

Tuesday 5 November 2019


Housebound! I am used to staying home several days of the week but a week has gone by , I was on the mend, but now I am back to square one. My munchkin had conjunctivitis, gave it to his mum and then his baby brother got it. Guess who else caught it..yep , it seems that grandmas are not immune. I had it in my right eye and finally got rid of it after about 8 days but now I have it in my left eye. It is sooooo contagious and apparently one can keep reinfecting themself! To top it off I stubbed my toes this morning and have a black toe now. With blurry weeping eyes , a very bad throat and nasty ear ache I haven't been able to sew much but I thought I would try some enticing crochet. 

Black Sheep Wools put this Nature's Walk CAL on their website and I got excited. I know I haven't got back to another crochet project I started a while ago but it is a bit complicated for me to concentrate on. So, with left over yarns from my previous crochet blankets I have made 3 blocks of Nature's Walk. I need to redo the green one but I think the others are okay once they have been , what the crochet world call, ' blocked'.

I send many angel healing hugs to a couple of blog friends who are having a hard time at the moment . 

Angel Blessings


  Weekly blogging is hard to keep up with lately as my crafty progress is slow these days. Health challenges often get in the way of product...