Saturday 13 May 2023


 I haven't posted for about 5 weeks as my mum had a fall playing table tennis and broke her hip. After 2 weeks in hospital followed by a week in rehab then a transfer back to hospital with an infection , she came home on Monday. Juggling almost daily hospital visits taking dad to see mum , ensuring he had everything he needed at home alone, and hubby who was unwell the first week or two, I had no time or energy to crochet or sew anything. 

Now I am catching up with all my overdue appointments before needing to take mum to her post operative checkups and dad to any medical appointments.  I have not been sleeping much, an ongoing issue which has worsened, and my BP is currently being remanaged.  I had an iron infusion yesterday and have been experiencing a few FMS flare ups due to the stress.

2 days ago I realised I wasn't receiving emails . I can send them but not receive them. I have no idea how to fix the problem and can't access the emails I had received earlier. So, if you are trying to contact me via email I am not receiving it and apologise if any emails have been unacknowledged. 

Little progress has been made with my grandson's blanket but here is the latest pic.

I shall try to catch up with all your latest blog posts soon. Today is a day of housework catchup while hubby is out for the day. 


  1. Goodness, what a busy time for you! So sorry to hear about your Mum, lets hope that all will soon be well and she will be back playing tabletennis!! or maybe not...... Such a lot for you to cope with, no wonder you are having problems too. Hopefully now you will slowly be able to return to normal. Hugs. xx

  2. Ondrea - I hope you can read this - your mail box is full and needs to be emptied!!

  3. Hope mum is recovering well and Dad is doing ok and that you get some you time soon. The blanket looks great.

  4. oh my .... all the best to your mum and to you running around everyone.... such a lot to deal with...xx The blanket looks great

  5. Dear friend, I am praying you get time to regain your health, to refresh and revive your body and mind…and healing for your precious mum. 🌷

  6. Sounds Like you are having a rough time Ondrea and I hope everyone is up and about and feeling better soon. Don't forget to look after yourself as well as everyone else. Take care. Hugs Christine xx

  7. Hope that your parents are progressing well with their health. Technology is so annoyng when it fails us. Take care.

  8. sending hugs Ondrea.........hope your mum keeps heading in the right healing direction.......its a challenge taking care of unwell parents let alone yourself.........



  Weekly blogging is hard to keep up with lately as my crafty progress is slow these days. Health challenges often get in the way of product...