Friday, 10 July 2020


Well, we are back to stage 3 lockdown here . No surprise really as I thought it would have been more sensible to stick to stage 3 from the beginning right through winter. Despite Melbournians being told to stay in their main residences for lockdown and NOT to relocate to their holiday homes for lockdown many have chosen to ignore the regulations and we have been inundated again with holiday people. Honestly, I just can't comprehend why people are so complacent and willing to put others' lives at risk. They also contribute to our diminishing our supermarket supplies. Ok, I am stepping off my soap box now, but I needed to vent.

My Zick Zack scarf has gone kaput. After the 8th or 9th attempt, seriously, I admitted defeat, unpulled it and got on with my binding.

I am up to the last side of binding my quilt. Yey! 

Another book has been read .

Thank goodness for good books and stitching.

Keep safe and well.

Angel Blessings.


  1. Some people just don't get it do they??
    Sorry your scarf isn't going to plan. It's frustrating when a pattern just won't go right.

  2. Unfortunately too many are "all about me" and nothing else matters. Nice job on the binding - stay safe.

  3. So sorry that the scarf didn't work out but the quilt is looking fabulous! Hope you stay safe and well! Christine xx

  4. Hi Ondrea oh dear sorry the scarf didn't work out. But at least you gave it a try. I know it frustrating with people not doing what they are told ,my sister lives in Portarlington and people from Melb own the unit next to hers and they came up .which made her angry. Gee you are whipping through your books,stay safe my friend xx

  5. Sorry about the scarf, but the binding is going nicely!

  6. Keep safe, it amazes me how people behave... Here you would never think there ever was a pandemic, except TP seems to be short again!! Pity about the scarf, hide it and try again one day...

  7. We are getting the same here Ondrea, school holidays so people arrive from the city. We are not in lockdown, yet, but it does not give me confidence to go out!! I agree wholeheartedly with you. I am sorry to hear your scarf did not cooperate, maybe in a month or so you could try again. Well done on the binding!!

  8. So annoying Ondrea - I think it is the same everywhere, a few spoiling things for the rest. How far from Melbourne are you? My niece lives there but doesnt have a holiday home so wont be annoying you lol. xx



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