Sunday, 29 September 2024



Weekly blogging is hard to keep up with lately as my crafty progress is slow these days. Health challenges often get in the way of productivity especially when daily household tasks and responsibilities need priority and I have no energy left for anything else or pain is not being managed sufficiently in order to be able to focus properly. Without creativity I am lost, bored, and fidgety so I have tried to adapt my crafty pursuits in order to simply make me happy without timelines , lots of mess to clean up or any pressure to create something amazing. Hence, my watercolour adventure. It has only just begun and I am leaning towards abstract water colour but I did try a more conventional tutorial recently which I half completed a few weeks ago and only just managed to complete yesterday. I have great difficulty concentrating when there are interuptions so this had to be done in 2 sessions weeks apart and I lost my mojo. So, here is my 1st watercolour which I am a bit nervous about showing to anybody but a girl's got to start somewhere. Shhhhh don't tell anyone I showed it to you. Hopefully, like most craft, I will improve over time. I think I could have added more finishes but decided not to.

    I finally completed my grandson's Pikachu crosstitch .

          Now I have started a Christmassy one for a gift.

   Find joy in your craftiness, relax and enjoy the process .

Monday, 9 September 2024



I missed a week because I really hadn't achieved much at all. The past week I have had a crook gut so crafty pursuits have been put aside apart from starting a watercolour on Saturday which requires a couple more sessions to complete. I did do a bit more of the Pikachu crosstitch. It is only small so it is frustrating that I haven't already framed it by now. 

Remember my battle with the naughty bird pulling my seedlings out 3 times? I just removed the chicken wire at the weekend so I can actually see the lovely blooms now that they are established.

The wire also protected the plants a bit from the awful high winds we have had, so that is why I left it on a while longer.

My eldest daughter always comes up with great ideas to make birthday cakes each year for my grandsons. She usually uses a theme of whatever they are into at the time . It was my youngest grandson's 5th birthday recently so she decided to create a Batman cake. 

I think my girls were deprived as I never made many birthday cakes for them , certainly nothing as elaborate as my daughter has made each year. Some mums I knew made cakes from the Womans Weekly Birthday Cake books but not me. How about you?

This morning I finished the 5th and last book in a series I have really enjoyed reading. I think I shall look for more series this author has written.

                                         Happy crafting! 


  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...