Sunday, 13 August 2023



Oh dear! My last few posts have been all about crosstitches. I found another one hidden away during the week but at least it is finished. I used my own selection of colours judging by the pattern and I even made up the design on the 2nd heart. It seems I was quite confident with crosstitching back then in 2001. Maybe I will frame this one myself or add fabric around the borders to make a wall hanging. We shall see. 

My new crosstitch arrived on Friday . I ordered a kit with aida 14 count  to get me back into crosstitching again aside from completing the ones I started decades ago. Despite not really being a fan of 14 count aida, I figured it would be easier on my eyes these days and I was correct. No magnifier required. Gee, it is stiff to start with! 

This is my progress so far which I have rather enjoyed. 

So, it looks like my UFO quilts are waiting a bit longer now. I have had an ant infestation in my sewing room which has delayed my enthusiasm to cut fabric for borders and put my sewing machine back on the table.  It was a major clean up, wipe down and vacuum while being bitten repeatedly by the pesky little critters and finding them inside my clothing!! The entry point outside my sewing room window has been dealt with but they are still coming back so I need to deal with it inside as well but I detest using poisons especially inside my home. A solution shall be found eventually . 



  1. Cute cross stitching. Those hearts are very pretty. I hope you get your ant problem sorted.

  2. Love the finished cross stitch Ondrea and I like the new one you have started too.... it looks fun! Sorry to hear about the ants, they sound a real nuisance! Hope a solution is found quickly for you. Hugs Christine xx

  3. Lovely little hearts cross stitch and I love your new one.... what a pain (literally) having those ants - hope they are all sorted now....

  4. The hearts will make a lovely wall hanging - one day! Your new project looks fun and I am glad it is easier on the eyes. Oh, horrid ants - hope you get the problem sorted soon. xx

  5. A lovely find and definitely worth turning into a wallhanging. Looking forward to seeing your progress on the new cross stitch as it happens. Dealing with ants is not easy. They are always on the move - you cannot see where they are going to or coming from.

  6. That is a beautiful cross stitch Ondrea! I hope the ants can be sorted soon for you. The new cross stitch is cute too.



  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...