Sunday, 15 December 2019


I am sincerely hoping that I can now rest a bit and catch up on everyone's blogs. The last 4 weeks I have visited 6 different hospitals and I certainly hope everything can calm down now. My father was rushed to our local hospital by ambulance  in the e arly hours Monday morning and transferred to a hospital which was an hour away from us. After waiting 6 hours in the emergency corridor despite not being able to control a severe bleed he was finally attended to. That afternoon I was back in our local hospital again with my daughter. To cut a long story short, dad had a heart procedure on Friday and just came home today and my daughter was fine. 

Sue, a bloggy friend sent me this beautiful bag a few weeks ago and it has been to every hospital and every shop with me since. 

I haven't been able to make any Christmas gifts this year nor have I had much time or energy to focus on sewing but I did start making some hexie Christmas coasters about a week ago. I didn't get very far.

I think it is time to put up all the Christmas decos now. Wish me luck.

I hope your Christmas lead up is a happy and healthy one.

Angel Blessings.


  1. Hoping that you can get some time to yourself and enjoy the festive Season. Healing wishes to your dad and daughter.

  2. Hi Ondrea i hope you can rest to now,gee you have had so much going on,did my envelope get to you.
    Meryy xmas my friend and may next year be a good one for you and your lovely family xx

  3. You have had a run of things going awry haven't you, hopefully things will settle down now and you can enjoy some quieter time. I am sure the hexies will be done when you have the time and energy. Good to hear the bag has been useful. Happy festive time to you and your family.

  4. Oh dear Ondrea, you seem to have had a really tough time of it recently. I hope that you and your family can all now rest, relax and repair! Have a good week and take it easy! Christine xx



  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...