Saturday, 6 July 2019


A delightful afternoon was spent piecing part B of my angel quilt. So far, everything seems to be coming together nicely. Fingers crossed for the rest of the quilt.

Now that my confidence had been lifted I started part C but didn't get too far due to fading natural light.

During the week I have been hand piecing my little Civil War quilt and one row is finished. ( I had trouble with a block in row 1 so I stitched row 2 and shall return to the first row later). It may look a little wonky but it will be okay once ironed.

I am happy to say that some lovely border fabric for my Little Lucy EPP quilt is arriving next week so I am looking forward to finally finishing the quilt top. It will be good having a few finished projects this year although there are still plenty more UFOs waiting in boxes.

Angel Blessings.


  1. Your angels are looking fantastic, well done. Your mini is looking great too, too many tiny seams for me!!!

  2. Wonderful Angels....coming along beautifully. Looking forward to seeing progress on that lovely little quilt xx

  3. I like it when things come together as planned.....does not always happen!!!!

  4. Hi Ondrea I have been commenting using my phone and have just discovered that for some reason it doesn't work.
    Love your angel blocks they are so pretty,well done my friend xx

  5. Your angels are looking fantastic - the colours you have chosen are stunning. xx



  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...