Saturday, 15 September 2018


Firstly, I would like to apologise to all my lovely blogger friends for not checking your beautiful blogs much lately. My tablet is no longer functioning properly and I need to buy a new one but have not managed to get around to that yet. Meanwhile I have to wait until I can get on our main computer which is situated in hubby's domain. Hubby was ill for a week which also preoccupied me and whenever I had some free time I chose to do some sewing therapy. I am a hands on Grandma once a week and twice on alternate weeks and I also have had to deal with my own health issues. So I just hope you haven't given up on me.

Despite not having the right blue thread for my munchkin's project I utilised a DMC variegated thread that I had. Unfortunately, I now find myself running out of this particular thread so I have had to stitch more of the design in the red trying to conserve what is left of the blue. I just hope that the blue variegated is still available to purchase as I think it is quite old.  Otherwise I shall just pick out a dark blue that I have. Fingers crossed.

I have finished appliqueing one pumpkin.
Another book has been added to my ever growing pile of books I have read. By 'pile', I do mean 'pile'. I literally have 2 piles of books sitting on the floor in front of my overflowing book shelf. "Birthright" has been written by another Australian author. We are very lucky having so much talent here. Every time I search for a new book I come across another Aussie author.  
It is Saturday, (despite what the date says on here), and I have been baking my Clever Gutz bread. This is the 3rd loaf I have made and I quite like it. It is nice to have with soup or for breakfast. Thankfully, I have never been a big bread eater which has proven to be a good thing for me as I need to restrict my diet quite a lot due to gut problems. This is a bread I am "allowed" to eat.
NBN appears to be working well at the moment , however , I do have an issue with not being able  to have the regular phone line. Like a lot of things these days "progress" seems to actually mean that we are going backwards. We have quite a few power surges here and the phone cut out on me while I was in the middle of a conversation with someone. Some people do not have reception for mobile phones in their area and if the power goes out they cannot use the regular phone as it is all connected to power now. Thus endeth my whinge for the week.  
May your week ahead be a beautiful one filled with an abundance of all good things.
Angel Blessings.


  1. Hi my lovely friend,you have been in the wars,hope you are feeling better now and I hope Mark is doing better too. What a shame about your threads let me know what the blue verigated one is and I will see if I have it as I have some older ones here too. Love your stitching and your pumpkin looks great,well done Ondrea xx

  2. Life sends lots of ups and downs doesn't it!! I hope you can get a new tablet soon, not giving up on you at this end!! The stitchery is looking good despite your thread problems, pumpkin looks good too. Good to see you have a bread you like and likes you!!

  3. Goodness Ondrea, a few of life's challenges piling up on you... I hope the stitching & reading are an enjoyable escape when you get time for them.
    As for your blogging access, never you fear... your real bloggy friends will not give up on you easily & we understand that 'life' happens.

  4. Found you, so many ups and downs and slippery slopes great to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Lovely your stitchery, great looking pumpkin.



  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...