Friday, 27 July 2018


 Alas, I have not done as much stitching as I would have liked but I have made some progress. I have been auditioning fat 1/4s from my stash for the double borders around each angel block. Unfortunately a couple of blocks are too big for fat 1/4s so I need to improvise a bit. However, I have completed 2 blocks and have at least chosen fabrics for most of the blocks. Hopefully, I shall get some more borders sewn on this weekend.

I have nearly completed stitching the final block and have also been continuing with my penny rug but I wanted to do some mindless stitching, something I didn't have to focus on too hard while I have been feeling poorly. I remembered that I had bought a Sashiko panel a few years ago at a quilt fair so I cut each individual block out and started stitching this one.
Thanks for stopping by.
Angel Blessings. 


  1. Pretty border fabrics. Sometimes we need to do mindless things.....keeps the hands busy but not taxing on the brain.

  2. Hi Ondrea,beautiful work my friend I think you have done quite a bit ,your angels are looking so pretty,hope you have a lovely weekend my friend xx

  3. Than angels look great with their coloured borders. Your sashiko panel looks wonderful. Sometimes a little slow stitching is what is needed. Hope you are feeling a bit better today.

  4. Your Angels are looking lovely with their borders! I have always wanted to do a Sashiko....its on the list lol! Yours is looking great xx



  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...