Wednesday, 18 April 2018


After a week's break from stitching I was eager to get on with my appliqued angels and I am happy to introduce you to Tillie the Tea Lady angel. Becky the Bookworm will be ready to make her appearance very soon.

I don't know about you but I get quite grumpy when I can't stitch. Does that mean I have a problem? If you want to see more angels for the  "An Angel's Story " quilt  pop over to Michelle's as she has done many blocks with beautiful needle turn applique. 
While visiting Spotlight last week I came upon something which immediately screamed " I am perfect to store fabric scraps for applique". As you can see, my storage system for separating the different colours was a little over filled and a bit hard for me to get to as they were on top of my shelves.
So, why not make life easier with larger storage that is already colour coded?
I have already found it to be very handy .
I hope you are having some lovely stitching time.
Angel Blessings


  1. Yes, I’m with you! A day without stitching or crafting doesn’t make me happy. Your angel block is lovely xx

  2. Hi Ondrea lovely angel block my friend and love your new coloured coordinated containers,what a great idea,hope you are feeling better xx

  3. What a great idea. I will keep my eyes opened when next in Spotlight. Another cute angel.

  4. lovely angel.......and great storage makes everything so much easier to find.......

  5. Love Tilly the Tea Lady..great to see you are back sewing. I hope the headaches are a thing of the past for you. Looking forward to seeing Becky. Great storage stack!

  6. Love Tillie! They are so lovely to stitch aren't they. Yes I feel the same but throw in a pencil addiction as well lol! You're all organised and ready to go now xx

  7. Gorgeous angel! I love storage tubs and drawers :) xx

  8. What a great idea. I will keep my eyes opened when next in Spotlight. Another cute angel.



  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...