Saturday, 23 May 2020

YEY yarn arrived! It was on my doorstep yesterday morning so I hope to get back to crocheting the blanket tonight. 

Yesterday afternoon I cut all the sashings for the Christmas wallhanging and I pieced the 6 blocks together today. Silly me mentioned there are meant to be 8 blocks but then I realised there are 9. I found some suitable Christmas fabric in my stash for the backing but it is only a smidgeon wider than the pieced front so I hope the quilting doesn't pull it in too much. At least I have plenty on the top and bottom. Anyhoo, it is sandwiched ready to machine quilt....just straight lines as I am not adept at quilting on my machine. 


I plan to quilt it tomorrow , cut the binding and a sleeve ready to finish.

Angel Blessings.


  1. Hi Ondrea how wonderful your wool has arrived ,you will have it finished in no time. Oh I love your Xmas wallhanging it will look wonderful hanging up at Xmas time ,hope you are all well xx

  2. Great the wool is there and I love the wallhanging... I love straight line quilting... looks so effective...

  3. Yay for a squishy yarn delivery. That's my favourite yarn too.
    Your Christmas project is looking lovely too. Enjoy the rest of your weekend x

  4. Great news about the yarn. I like straight line quilt as I sometimes feel that something can be over quilted and detract from the design and fabric.

  5. Wonderful news the wool has arrived, your Christmas wall hanging looks great, straight line quilting looks great too, it will be done in no time at all.

  6. So glad the yarn finally turned up. Good luck with the quilting. xx

  7. Great that your wool finally arrived The mail has been slow
    Good job on your Christmas hanging

  8. Lucky you to get your yarn. Still no news of mine.
    If you stick to minimal quilting on your Christmas quilt, you should be fine and not suffer any loss of fabric in the back. Sometimes you just have to give it a go don't you, I have one or two pieces that were cutting it fine. Your stitching looks lovely, looking forward to seeing you get it all done and bound.



  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...