Sunday 16 June 2024



The past week or so I have cleaned out 4 drawers, 3 cubicles and my drawers of colour coded scaps for applique. A basket full of patterns and other useful things are boxed ready to take to the OpShop, a lot of stuff has been binned and other things put in recycling. I sorted through my scraps for appliques , tossing out teeny tiny bits and putting the rest in zip lock bags for each colour for my grandson's kindergarten. Here are the drawers I kept them in ...

and here they all are packaged ready to go in a huge bag..

The drawers are going to a new home...eventually.

I have been knitting my new scarf but can only do about 10 rows at a time to ease my wrist pain.

Slow progress has been made with my crosstitch but there is not much more to do.

I made a committment to myself to clean out one drawer a day in my sewing room and I have stuck to it so far. Now that I have read all your posts and done mine I am off into the sewing room to do today's. I wonder which one it will be. Happy crafting! 


  1. Always feels good to have a clear out and tidy. Beautiful scarf coming along there. xx

  2. How wonderful!! That scarf is lovely, and so is your beautiful cross stitch. You'll soon be back to finish them but right now you're doing a wonderful thing in 'shedding' your excess. :-) The school will be thrilled with the scraps.

  3. Go you. It feels good to have a good clear out. Love your knitting yarn.

  4. well done with the cleaning out.... you will feel very organised when it's all done... loving how the scarf is looking....

  5. Well done on the cleaning out - and thank you for the fabric!! Your knitting and stitching look wonderful. Hope the wrist is ok.
