Friday, 29 March 2019


I  am blogging from not so sunny Qld. After leaving a beautiful warm sunny Melbourne yesterday I arrived on the Gold Coast to be greeted by rain and humidity.  It is not the best time of year to be up north but it was an opportunity to see family who live up here.

At least I have a lovely view.

It is surprising what you see down the street.

Before I came up here I finished another book.

Remember those pincushions? I finally finished making them. I was waiting to find some crushed walnut shells to fill them with but could not locate any so I just used polyfill. They are small gifts for my stitching group which I had intended to give them for Christmas. Ah well, better late than never.The patterns for the pinnies and the stitched alphabet are Jenny's designs. I can't seem to put a link up but a link to her blog is on my right side bar.

I hope you are enjoying some nice weather . It is only a brief stay here so I hope to return to not so humid weather soon.

Angel Blessings.


  1. Enjoy your holiday. Great view.

  2. So sorry the Goldie was so miserable with the sunny weather for you Ondrea....and yes the humidity has been yuk! I love your pretty pin cushions xxx

  3. What a shame it was raining Ondrea,i love Queensland.Your pin cushions looks so pretty well done my friend xx

  4. Dang that rain Ondrea... but lovely work on the pincushions x
