Saturday, 27 February 2021



After completing the 3 stitcheries that make the 1st block of  Jenny's B.O.M I have made little progress piecing it together. As usual, piecing is the thing that slows me down and I now need to do some unpicking as I am not happy with one of my choices. However, block 2 has been released and I have enjoyed tracing the designs and have each stitchery ready to applique and stitch. 

Sorry about the pic. I always seem to have trouble with photos. Now that my daily chores are done I plan to sit and stitch , and  revisit the piecing of block one. 

Thanks for visiting and keep safe.

Sunday, 14 February 2021



Here we are back in lockdown supposedly for 5 days but that may change. I suspect on again, off again lockdowns may be a way of life during the next year or 2. The only disappointment for me shall be if my munchkin's 4th birthday party needs to be cancelled. His present is wrapped ready to give him so I hope I can get it to him in time. 

The final stitchery for block 1 of the B.O.M is now complete and all of them have been trimmed ready to piece.


Blogger is making things more difficult to upload photos now but at least I figured it out. Why do they change things that require another step to get to? 

I have run out of time to select and cut the fabrics for piecing block 1 but shall endeavour to do it tomorrow.

Keep safe and well.

Sunday, 7 February 2021



Once again a week has flown by. Erratic weather, a little drama , and some precious time with my grandsons has filled my week. Yesterday I had the chance to relax and unwind with a bit of stitching and I finished the 2nd stitchery of the new B.O.M.

I have started the last stitchery for the block so my plan is to piece it together before my next weekly post.

It appears that I have finally resolved the problem I had with comment email notifications after a lot of fiddling around. Fingers crossed that it stays that way! 


  I have been trying to catch up or at least start to keep up with everyone's blog posts and have enjoyed seeing all your lovely project...