Hello! I am back. I thought I was doing well blogging more regularly and then life got in the way again. I had very little time to stitch as I was either way too tired or very busy attending to other matters. Fortunately, things appear to be on the up now , a very slow process but improving nonetheless. Oh, and HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY to all the mums and grand mums out there. I had a lovely surprise this morning when my eldest daughter, her hubby and munchkin came over to take me for a walk along the boardwalk of the marina and have a coffee at the café. It was great to have some "me time" and get out and about for a short time, something I haven't been able to do for almost 2 weeks. It is these simple pleasures that put a smile on my dial. Anyhoo, I thought it was easier to do some mindless knitting instead of stitching last week. I decided to make myself some fingerless gloves. I tried to crochet some but realised they needed to stretch sideways, something the crochet did not allow so a simple garter knitting stitch did the job. I crocheted the top edge in black.

I then decided to crochet a scarf for myself in a shell pattern. although it is difficult to see the pattern using variegated yarn.
Yesterday I decided to pin munchkin"s quilt ready to quilt on my sewing machine. However, after trying really hard to straighten out the backing while pinning the layers together it was all bunched up so I had to undo all the pins. Grrrrrr. So, that "simple" project proved to be not so simple . I then decided to get back to my angel blocks seeing as I had more time to sit and stitch. I have nearly finished Fran's Flying School .
I hope you have all had a productive stitching weekend. Thankyou for visiting.
Angel Blessings.